Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Letter for all of our customers!

February 20, 2008

Dear Friends,

I hope this letter finds you and your family well. I’m sure most of you can’t wait for the cold and snow to disappear for good and for the nice, warm weather to move in! As you may know, to date, we have had over 70 inches of snow in northeastern Wisconsin, which is a record for one of the snowiest winters ever! I have even a better record to inform you of and that is the winning record that our showpig program has yielded in the last few years. In the past four years alone, Riemer Showpigs has had pigs either as a class winner or champion at over 30 counties in Wisconsin or you can say Riemer Showpigs has had winners in over half of the state! We have one group of people to thank and that is you! Without your hard work and commitment, along with your continued support and confidence in our program, none of this would have been possible. For that, thank you! I look forward to helping each one of you continue to experience success with your swine project!

Now onto 2008. Its been a busy year so far and we are right the middle of farrowing season. To date, we have had over 20 sows farrow and we expect another 20 sows to farrow until the beginning of April. The pigs that we have on the ground now are looking super! Lots of little pigs with all of the good traits-muscle, bone, excellent structure and correctness, and plenty of look! We expect this crop of pigs to once again be extremely competitive and to live up to our expectations!

If you haven’t done so yet, I would encourage you to visit our recently updated website. The site has been given a face lift and new features have been added. One of the new features include THE BLOG, where you will find me posting articles, holding discussions about certain topics, posting information, and having future communication posted on it. I am excited about this feature and be sure to look for my postings on THE BLOG very soon! For those of you that like music, we have added a music player on our website, allowing you to use this music player for free at anytime.

I also wanted to inform you of the WPA scholarship, which is a $50 scholarship that the Wisconsin Pork Association sponsors every spring. The complete document is on my website and I would strongly encourage each of you to fill this out and return it to the Wisconsin Pork Association by March 15, 2008 (which is the deadline for the scholarship). The link is:

I look forward to working with each of you again this spring. In the meantime, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns; please do not hesitate to contact me!

Most Respectfully,


920-418-3820 or email:

Monday, February 04, 2008


Welcome to The Blog at Riemer Showpigs! Please feel free to post any comments or questions. Thank you for visiting our website.